Hello community
I would like to know what happened just before/after certain event, and how to segment that hit only.
For example, I can use hit depth to track that event10 occurred on hit depth 20, 30 and 50. But how may I know what happened on hit 19 or 21, hit 29 or 31, hit 49 or 51, specifically. For example what was the pageName on those hits? I tried creating following calculated metrics, but no success.
a) hit depth(event 10 occurs) - 1 hit depth = segment wanted
b) hit depth(event 10 occurs) + 1 hit depth = segment wanted
If I use only before/only after option, then it would list ALL hits prior/after that spesific event, and Im not interested all hits, only hit just before/after that event. How to build segment for this purpose? I went thru Adobes material on sequential segments, but was not able to find solid work.around.
I could imagine, that I'm not only one struggling with this. Thanks
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30 views but no comments. Im guessing there is no way to do this, at least I could not figure out how...
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Hi @Damu80
better late then never.
I guess it was not possible back then. Nowadays, you may want to experiment with sequential segments and "Only before sequence" and "Only after sequence"
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30 views but no comments. Im guessing there is no way to do this, at least I could not figure out how...
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