We were looking at Adobe SiteCatalyst about retrieval methods we can have to get data for our reporting purpose. From the Adobe blogs we think DataWarehouse Data Feeds would be the suitable way to get the data form SiteCatalyst.
Our requirement is that we want near real time data for our dashboards and DataWarehouse Data Feeds only allow daily feeds.
“The data feeds are configured at the report suite level and delivered on a daily basis (containing the hit data for the previous day)”
We wanted to know which method for data retrieval are you using and if there is any other way we can get the data form SiteCatalyst real time?
Solved! Go to Solution.
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Following up on Gaurav's reply, perhaps a better option at this point (rather than the real-time dashboard) would be the new real time reports that is baked into Reports & Analytics.
You can find documentation on setting up these new reports here: http://microsite.omniture.com/t2/help/en_US/reference/#RealTime_Reports
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Real-time reports are about as fast as we can supply data to you (within minutes for traffic veriable and about a half hour for conversion reports. In any reports & analytics report that supports this, there is a "current data" option that can be toggled. These reports can be included in dashboard reportlets and scheduled hourly.
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Hi Abhishek,
You can quickly set up your real time reports in just 6 steps. To know more, please visit Real-Time Reports Configuration.
Regarding your question on capturing the real time data for your dashboard, here are the 2 important links for your quick reference:
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You can use the Real Time reports.
Run a real time report: http://microsite.omniture.com/t2/help/en_US/sc/user/index.html#Run_a_realtime_report
Real time reports: http://microsite.omniture.com/t2/help/en_US/reference/index.html#RealTime_Reports
You can also use the Reporting API to pull up the real time report. That will allow you to create a custom dashboard at your side: https://developer.omniture.com/en_US/documentation/sitecatalyst-reporting/r-getrealtimereport
You can only pull up real time report that has been defined previously: https://developer.omniture.com/en_US/documentation/sitecatalyst-reporting/c-real-time#concept_AD1D9E...
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Following up on Gaurav's reply, perhaps a better option at this point (rather than the real-time dashboard) would be the new real time reports that is baked into Reports & Analytics.
You can find documentation on setting up these new reports here: http://microsite.omniture.com/t2/help/en_US/reference/#RealTime_Reports
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