Hello adobe community,
I have the following questions, and I was wondering if you could help on this.
For the client I am working for, they are using the same Report Suite on Adobe Analytics for different website domains, all these websites reporting to the same RS.
Preparing a WS taking data from this RS, creating a segment to just see data for 1 of their websites and checking the referring domain and making a breakdown by referrer, I am seeing that the first referrer it is the same domain/website itself. Is there a way to not have the website itself on the referrer? As I would like to see there the "real" referer from where the users landed on the site (direct, other websites, etc) and not the site itself?
The client currently does not have the URL Adobe Internal filter set up (https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/analytics/admin/admin-tools/internal-url-filter-admin.html?l...), and I was wondering by checking this short documentation that if we add the domain of this page on this filter, the site will no longer appear on the referrer dimensions... is this correct?
What worries me, is that if we add the domain on this URL filter, if for instance this website has a link that where the user clicks gets directed to another site (that also report to the same RS)... we will not be able to check these referrer data on AA, right?
Thank you in advance and please let me know what approach/solution you will be doing.