Hi All,
I am trying to align pageviews for a given URL for July 2024 in our org. Here is the SQL query I have in the downstream environment attached below. I'm wondering why I am coming up 3K pageviews short compared to what we have in adobe workspace for the same URL and time frame. I apply the filters and recommendations for metrics and dimensions based on the URLs I have listed below too along with the screenshot. Can anybody assist with this and see whether I'm over-filtering or under-filtering or missing a step.
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Hey @skatofiabah, In Adobe Workspace, we don't have any out-of-the-box dimension that shows the page URLs. Hence, I'm assuming you must be using an eVar or Prop to check the same in the workspace.
If that is the case, can you try checking the same in your downstream data and check if it returns the same numbers?
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Hey @skatofiabah Would it be possible to share a screenshot of the workspace data?
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So, in your query, have you tried replacing post_page_url ="URL value" with post_evar7 = "URL value"? Does the number match, then?
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Filter-wise, I don't think there are any issues in SQL. RAW data/feed data will always be higher than the workspace, but in this case, you might have to dig a bit deeper.
One more thing: does the segment use 'Contain' filters or 'Equals'? Maybe you can double-check the same as both would yield different results
Would it be possible to narrow it down by day instead of month and check the differences? One thing you can try is to pull the same report from Data Warehouse along with MCVISID/Experience Cloud ID in a CSV, and pull the same data from the data feed, and then do a VLOOKUP on the MCVISID to check the missing one, then check the missing one against the entire data without any filters.
Also, do occurrences match?
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HI @FarazHusain,
If nothing is wrong filter wise, I don't understand. The segment and filters are both set to "equal". Are timestamps different downstream vs. workspace? In my case, the adobe workspace data has more pageviews than the downstream page views. I don't need occurrences. I need page views. Hence, "POST_Page_Event = 0".
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Hey @skatofiabah, I see you're using date_time, which should be fine. It is something else; maybe the data feed didn't have a complete dump. I have seen such issues in past where sometimes the feed files are not properly ingested into the system, which can cause issues. I don't have the visibility on the data feed to check the file type but you can get this vetted internally at your end just to be sure all files are properly in your environment.
If still an issue, please feel to log a ticket to Adobe Support and we can take a further look into this.
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Hi @FarazHusain,
I'll probably have to log a support ticket since I'm seeing daily variance on total time spent and pageviews differ by like 2 pageviews daily between workspace and the downstream database.