Hi Team,
We are seeing the month on month increase in the Order count for the same month( Here Jan). We have visitor level segment on top of it. When I change date range from Jan, Jan-Feb, Jan-Mar, Jan month Order count keep on increasing. May I know why? Thanks in advance.
Solved! Go to Solution.
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Using a Visitor level Segment is the likely cause...
Basically, you are pulling back ALL info about that Visitor within the reporting period, at any point, that Visitor matches the criteria, everything about that visitor will be returned, including Orders that were made under different criteria.
A simple example:
I would look at making a VISIT level segment for your v16 / v180 / e130 logic, so that only orders made in the visit with that criteria (on the campaign) are returned.
If your campaign has say a "30 day" attribution, the Visits and Orders made after triggering the campaign will still be included (but only the ones after those campaigns have been set, it won't apply to previous visits or orders)
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It's the Visitor Level Segment that's probably causing the issue.
However, without seeing some of the specifics (how your segment is built) and what some of those dimension breakdowns are doing I can't easily help instruct you on how to fix what you are seeing.
I understand not wanting to share that info publically, but if you are comfortable sharing with me in a private message I can try to help.
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Thanks for replying @Jennifer_Dungan
Here is the segment screen shot
Main issue is when I change the date range, from Jan to Jan-Feb, Jan-Feb to Jan-March, the order count of Jan month is getting incremented. And those incremented orders are belongs to Jan(checked through Time parting) only but visible when we increase the date range.
Using a Visitor level Segment is the likely cause...
Basically, you are pulling back ALL info about that Visitor within the reporting period, at any point, that Visitor matches the criteria, everything about that visitor will be returned, including Orders that were made under different criteria.
A simple example:
I would look at making a VISIT level segment for your v16 / v180 / e130 logic, so that only orders made in the visit with that criteria (on the campaign) are returned.
If your campaign has say a "30 day" attribution, the Visits and Orders made after triggering the campaign will still be included (but only the ones after those campaigns have been set, it won't apply to previous visits or orders)
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Thanks @Jennifer_Dungan for solution. Just wondering if we take daily data out from data warehouse, then still next 30 days attribution will work?
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I am not sure... possibly... without knowing your data and what is being returned (and if that segment is even compatible with Data Warehouse) I can't say for certain...
But that does seem like a lot of unnecessary effort to go through, rather than just fixing your segment to work in the Workspace properly.
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Thanks, Jennifer, for suggestion. Just want to know, if a user sees the campaign on Sep 29th & click on same day, but purchase on Oct 1st, then order will be attributed to Sep or Oct month.
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@Jennifer_Dungan below bolded text statement is not true for me. One of customer clicked on campaign on first visit & bought the product on second visit. At visit level segment with 30 day attribution set, order is not showing up in the report, where as with visitor level segment order is showing up.
If your campaign has say a "30 day" attribution, the Visits and Orders made after triggering the campaign will still be included (but only the ones after those campaigns have been set, it won't apply to previous visits or orders)
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If the campaign was overwritten on the second visit, the new "overwrite" value will get the attribution (the attribution is "last touch" and if you have a lot of internal campaigns being used by multiple teams this could throw off specific "order" flow campaigns)
Your original segments still fundamentally are pulling back too much information, and pulling back orders before your campaigns were ever touched.. this is why you numbers in the past keep growing.
If you need a participation model applied to your campaigns...
As in:
And still want Campaign X to get credit (and also campaign Y and Z as all three campaigns participated) then it will get a lot more complicated... as you will have to use a complex segment to ensure proper attribution...
I would still leave the Segment as Hit, and look specifically for your event to exist (limiting the data returned to just conversions).
But I would use AND logic, to a VISITOR container.. with two sub containers
The first would look for your Internal Campaign criteria, and using a THEN logic between the containers and look for the Conversion...
Something Like:
Order Exists
[VISITOR Container]
[HIT Container]
v16 Internal Campaign contains X
v180 Internal Campaign Clicks contains Y
e130 Internal Campaign Clicks exists
[End HIT Container]
THEN within 30 Days
Order Exists
[End VISITOR Container]
This should now ensure that only Orders within 30 days of triggering your internal campaign are included, but if other campaigns are triggered in-between they aren't lost....
This should also still prevent Orders from before the Campaign from being counted in previous months once the user has interacted with your campaign after making their order
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Thank you @Jennifer_Dungan,
Attribution can be a bit of a "rabbit hole"...
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Thanks for replying @Jennifer_Dungan
Here is the segment screen shot
Main issue is when I change the date range, from Jan to Jan-Feb, Jan-Feb to Jan-March, the order count of Jan month is getting incremented. And those incremented orders are belongs to Jan(checked through Time parting) only but visible when we increase the date range.