I am currently exploring options to be able to track basic traffic data on our web and in mobile app in opt-out scenario. In our current situation, Adobe Analytics tracking is strictly bound to opt-in scenario, meaning if the customer declines analytics cookies, Adobe Analytics in not fired at all.
According to this video on experience league, it should be possible to collect certain minimum data even if the customer opts-out and be in compliance with GDPR:
Does anyone have any experience with this solution? What would be the requirements to implement the opt-out tracking via tag manager? Also, according to the screenshot above, only opt-in status and opt-in/opt-out events are tracked on all server calls. Does that mean that even with this solution, it is not possible e.g. to see all traffic on a specific URL or Page Name?
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So first off, it comes down to:
1. Is the user opting out of cookies?
2. Or is the user opting out of tracking?
Those are very different things....
As far as most policies seem to indicate, the opt out is about cookies (specifically cookies that "fingerprint" a user.
So in Adobe, this means that you need to make sure your ECID isn't set in this scenario.
Now, if you are using the old AppMeasurement.js tracking... there are still the s cookies (which will get set in the absence of the ECID)... but in the Analytics Extension, there is an option to set the cookie lifetime to session which should qualify under your policy... as once the user leave, then next time they come back they will get an all new cookie... thus, they are not being "followed". (Make sure you test that to be sure it's working as expected).
So now that you have the cookie settings in place, you shouldn't have to prevent tracking from firing in an opt-out situation... you just need to ensure that the ECID isn't being set (for opt outs), and that the s cookies expire between sessions... The ECID can be set for opted-in.
This will of course inflate your UVs, so you might want to have a dimension to indicate what users are opted in and which are opted out (so that you can create segments to isolate the behaviours).
If you are using WebSDK, I am not sure what cookies are set here, but if there are any sort of fallback cookies to the ECID, I would expect a similar "session" expiry setting or some sort of cookie opt out option....
For Apps, this is a little odd... since an app is installed to a specific device, and there are so many "device identifiers" I am not really sure what an opt out would do? I mean, I suppose you could prevent the ECID from being set, and generate a new "visitor id" on each use for an opt out... that should prevent you from following the user from visit to visit.... Now, I can understand the opt-out for advertiser ids... since no one likes the creepy ads that start to follow you based on what you did in an app... but from an analytics perspective, if someone installed an app, that is essentially identifying yourself as a regular user... not sure why you would opt out of that... but I am sure with some creative visitor ids, you could replicate a "non-following behaviour" in the app....
One more thing, if your opt out is actually opting out of "detailed" tracking... you would essentially have to create two tracking profiles....
If you have a lot of variables set in your Analytics extension, you may have to move those out to the "opt-in rules", and create a counter-part "opt-out" rule with less data collection...
All rules could require two versions depending on what you are tracking.... and you would control them with conditions... "Rule A - if opted in" and "Rule B - if opted out".
It all comes down to what your policy says and what is needed to comply.
Well, we don't have a cookieless Analytics yet.
A possibility to go cookieless could be sending your tracking request through a CNAME'd proxy that strips any outgoing and incoming cookie headers.
My opinion: no means no. If the user opts out of tracking, he does not want to be tracked. And that means absolutely no, not even cookieless tracking. And that should be respected. Even if you manage to set up a cookieless tracking as above, the requests will still be visible to the tech savvy user and browser extensions.
To me, this is a measure of building trust and respecting your visitors. Forget about less data. Analytics is all about trends anyway.
Thank you Jennifer, this is very helpful.
Of course, we would first need to check and make sure this would be compliant with our privacy policy. But essentially, it would mean opting out of cookies, not opting out of tracking.
From my point of view, if we only want to have the numbers of anonymized page views on each page without actually tracking individual customer or using the data for marketing purposes, it might be possible.
About the two tracking profiles, two sets of rules would also mean two versions of data layer? I have to say I cannot understand how that would work, I would really appreciate more details on this.
Thank you,
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You shouldn't need a new data layer, but you will need to curate what data you collect.
Now, if you are setting a lot of data into your extension, then you are going to have to redo a lot of implementation, pulling the items you cannot set on your "reduced" profile from the shared extension.
But just because your data layer has a full set of data, doesn't mean you need to send it. You can't really stop the Data Elements from being set with data, as there are no conditions available on them, but regardless of using AppMeasurement.js (Client Side) or Alloy.js (WebSDK), you only track what you add into your Set Variable rules... and by having two rules (one for opt-in and one for opt-out) you can curate what information is sent.
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