I'm building a Report Builder dashboard, and want the following to be executed in order:
- pull some data in a request
- manipulate the data using Excel functionality
- pull a second request based on manipulated data
In initial request, Report Builder returns:
Then, Excel functionality conditionally pre-pends this info:
Then, second request fires pulling additional information based on manipulated value (sitename.com/path-goes-here / mobile.sitename.com/path-goes-here)
It's not as easy as doing a simple dependent request, since the cells being pointed to in second request aren't output cells of first request. I know Adobe allows you to pre-pend hard-coded text when outputting a request, but this doesn't meet my needs as pre-pended text in my case is conditional.
If I were able to tell Report Builder - execute request 1 first, then execute request 2 after request 1 is completed and a small amount of time has elapsed to execute Excel logic, I'd be able to accomplish what I'm looking for. Don't see a way of doing this.
Anyone have insight?