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Issues with connection to Analytics


Level 1

I've been working with Adobe support but not having much luck so turning to forums to see if anyone has experienced these issues and has any thoughts.  I thought these issues were limited to my work PC which is connected via LAN proxy to the net but now am also getting them on laptops that are just accessing web via unsecured wi-fi so ruling out corp proxy/firewall as the culprit (I have also engaged heavily with internal IT/Help Desk to no avail).

Main issue is that when navigating through Adobe Analytics, I will suddenly receive an error message that this webpage has a redirect loop (still pointing to an https://sc2.omniture.com URL).  The reload button just brings up the same error and the only way to fix is to clear my cache/cookies and restart the browser or wait for an extended amount of time.  If I fail to clear cache and try to log back into Adobe, I just see "waiting for sc2.ominutre.com" and "waiting for www2.ominutre.com" alternate on the bottom left of my browser.

Secondary issues are that I often click a report (let's say Channel Report) and screen momentarily goes blank and it takes me back to the Site Overview page.  Any segments I had defined for my session as well as date ranges get reset back to the default (no segment and current MTD for date) which is frustrating because I have to set those values again based on whatever analysis I was doing.

I have similar issues in Firefox although the error message is slightly different (instead of redirect loop it gives me a different error and asks me to cancel or resend..clicking either button on the pop-up just makes the pop-up reappear..there is no way out other than to close my browser and I also have to clear my cache to resolve).

I am using version 15 on Adobe Analytics on a Windows 7 machine.  If you have seen this issue and figured out how to resolve please let me know. It's extremely frustration!

1 Accepted Solution


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Level 1

I was able to solve the problem.  It was a local network fix.  My company has a couple networks we switch between to ensure that we have consistently high speed.  Unfortunately, when I log in I am on one network but when I pull the report I get switched to the other and lose my ip address.  This doesn't jive with the authentication at Analytics so I get a redirect loop error because it is trying to send me back to the login screen.  We were able to resolve it by updating our network settings to make sure that my ip address is locked for a certain amount of time.  This may not be the fix for everyone but I hope it helps somebody.

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9 Replies


Employee Advisor

Yeah you're definitely not the first to report this, however in all my testing I have yet to be able to reproduce it on my machine. Something is interfering with the Analytics session, and we haven't been able to figure it out because it hasn't been consistently reproducible.

For anyone who also have this issue, we would hugely appreciate any additional details you can provide - across browsers, across computers, across networks, etc. This will let us get a better understanding on what might cause it so we can release a permanent fix.


Level 10

Hi Jeff,


Per the screen shot you are using incognito mode. Adobe SiteCatalyst might rely on cache and cookies to work properly. Can you try without the incognito mode and let us know if it works better. Enable cookies and cache as well.


Best regards.


Alexis Cazes



Are you using a popup blocker or ad blocker? I was just on a call today with a co-worker who was getting that same redirect error in Firefox and we thought that might be what was causing it.


Level 1

I have been having the same problem for a few months but just today, I haven't been able to get around this issue at all.  I am completely stuck and cannot access any reports.  I just spoke to an Analytics support rep who told me this issue is caused by ip pooling...basically saying that my ip address is changing mid-request.  To fix it, he said I should try accessing Analytics from outside my network.  I logged into a different network and I got the same issue.

Any other ideas on what is causing this and how to get around it?


Level 4

I'm seeing the error whenever I leave the report open for a prolonged period.

I think if you enable "Remember me" option while logging in, and then keep your browser idle for a long time with the SiteCatalyst reports open (> 1hr), you will get redirect loop error. 


Employee Advisor

Since it's pretty widespread (but sporadic), I doubt it has to do with network. I'm wondering if it has to do with something along the lines of the Dallas data center (the sc2 subdomain). We still haven't been able to reproduce the issue, so therefore there's still no fix for it yet.

I'll see if I can talk to the individual who is over Customer Care's CRM system and pull a report of all incidents in the last 6 months that mention 'redirect loop'. Maybe with all that aggregate data, we can figure out what might be causing it. Trust me, I'd like to get down to the bottom of it just as much as you guys!


Employee Advisor

Well awesome, just got hooked up with the report, and have quite a bit more information after scouring a whole bunch of incidents. Here are some pieces of info that might be of value to you guys:

- The redirect loop occurs when clicking on a generated report link after being logged into Adobe Analytics for some time.
- If someone leaves a report open for 30+ minutes, then tries to continue their session, they get the redirect loop.

- "When inside my corporate network, I get the 'redirect loop' message. When this occurs external to the network (for example, from my home network), I get logged out of SiteCatalyst and am returned to the login screen. What really seems to be happening is that SiteCatalyst times out when no report request is submitted for a period of time, and the process it is using to send the visitor back to the login screen creates the redirect loop".

Based on the information I've read in the incident you should really be getting kicked to the login screen, but something is interfering with that so you're getting a redirect loop. Are any of you getting the redirect loop in any other circumstances? If so, please post here so I can gather more details for our engineering team.


Level 1


When I am on a laptop that is not connected to the Internet via our Corporate (i.e. home or public wi-fi), it is exactly as you describe.  I typically only see the redirect loop error after letting a session/report sit untouched on my browser for 30+ minutes, which isn't that big of a deal to me.

What is a big deal is that when I *am* on my corporate network, I get the error message regardless.  I can clear my cache/cookies, log in fresh to Adobe, spend 5 minutes (or less) and get the redirect error message, never having left my PC unattended or idle.  The only way to fix is to go clear cache/cookies and start the process again.  5 minutes later I'm getting the error message.  The timing varies, sometimes it's less than 5 minutes sometimes it's more but it happens every time and renders my work PC useless for Analytics, which is a big issue. It typically happens when I kick off a report, but it also seems to happen when just navigating through the menus of Analytics (I'll pay more attention to the exact point and try to come back with examples).

To the person who asked about Incognito, yes I've tried it in both Incognito mode and normal mode.  I've tried turning accepting and not accepting cookies in normal mode, I've tried Chrome and Firefox.


Correct answer by
Level 1

I was able to solve the problem.  It was a local network fix.  My company has a couple networks we switch between to ensure that we have consistently high speed.  Unfortunately, when I log in I am on one network but when I pull the report I get switched to the other and lose my ip address.  This doesn't jive with the authentication at Analytics so I get a redirect loop error because it is trying to send me back to the login screen.  We were able to resolve it by updating our network settings to make sure that my ip address is locked for a certain amount of time.  This may not be the fix for everyone but I hope it helps somebody.