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In Date Range API, filter on ‘curatedRsid’ field is not working.


Level 2

When we try to apply filter on ‘curatedRsid’ field for Date Range API (https://adobedocs.github.io/analytics-2.0-apis/#/Date%20Ranges/getDateRanges_1), it is not filtering the data.


Here we have applied filter on curatedRsid field and it returned 2043 no. of data



But, when we apply filter on same field with different value it is still giving same no. of records.



Could you please share the details regarding this.


1 Reply


Adobe Champion

Hello @AmeyGa ,

I ran into this same issue before and found a solution that might help! When you set includeType to ‘all’, the curatedRsid filter doesn’t actually apply, which is why you’re seeing the same number of records no matter what value you put for curatedRsid

To make the curatedRsid filter work, try setting includeType to ‘curatedItem’ instead of all. This makes curatedRsid mandatory, so the API will filter the data according to the curatedRsid value you provide.

Once you do this, you should see different results based on the curatedRsid you’re using.

Hope this helps! Let me know if it works for you or if you’re still having trouble.