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Importing Classification using Analytics API without Experience Platform Access


Level 1

I am interested in programmatically importing txt files using the Admin tab's Classification Importer. I looked over the documentation available for using the API to accomplish this task (documentation link: https://developer.adobe.com/analytics-apis/docs/2.0/guides/endpoints/classifications/import-file/) but noticed that to use these API requests I need access to a dataset value. I found this API request that pulls down all dataSet values: GET https://{environment}.adobe.io/data/foundation/catalog/dataSets (documentation link: https://developer.adobe.com/experience-platform-apis/references/catalog/#tag/Datasets). But I cannot use this API request because it requires SandBox data which is information I do not have access to because I do not have Experience Platform access.
Is there another way of automating the classification importer?



1 Reply


Level 9

Hi @HaithamTa ,

The Dataset ID referred in classifications API documentation isn't the ID of a AEP Dataset, it is the ID of a Classification Set in Adobe Analytics.

Classification Sets can be accessed in AA UI by navigating to Components -> Classification Sets,


You can get the ID of a Classification Set through any of these methods,

  • In Classification Sets UI, open the set that you want ID for, then in the page URL you'll have the ID as shown below,
    • Harveer_SinghGi1_1-1740201632602.png
  • Use Classification API to GET all classification datasets for a RSID and retrieve the Dataset ID for the variable you need from API response similar to below one,
    • Harveer_SinghGi1_2-1740202039336.png
