I assume you are using gtag through your Adobe Launch property... with some digging, I found that the consent mode (or at least part of it) is a gtag call:
gtag('consent', 'default', {
'ad_storage': 'denied',
'analytics_storage': 'denied'
So if you are using the Adobe Cloud Organization ID extension to control opt-in, you can check the opt in status of analytics like so:
Note I am using a manual "permission set" here (all to false), making the pre opt in useless, but for illustration purposes.
My sample test used a condition on my adobe tracking using:
if (adobe.optIn.isApproved("analytics")){
return true;
So you should be able to leverage the adobe.optIn.isApproved() function to access any of the Adobe specific, and probably custom keys as well if needed.
Obviously there will be more complexity to this, making it work with something like One Trust or another consent management tool depending on your system...
But this should help you get started....