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Identifying Dimensions Populated by Classification Importer


Level 2

I'm using a workspace that I didn't set up and it features almost 200 dimensions populated as a result of classification. I want to understand how these dimensions are being classified and have run through those that are being classified via the rule builder. That still leaves many unaccounted for. Is there a way to verify which dimensions are being populated via manual or FTP import, or is it simply a case of assuming that any that aren't classified by rule builder MUST be classified via import. I ideally want to see which are manual import and which are FTP import.

1 Reply


Community Advisor

Hi, in the Classification Importer, there is a tab called FTP Export. You can export the  classification rules to understand what is being set.


I think you have to export per classification set, so this could be a big job given your description... 


Good Luck!