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How to fetch report name through Adobe Analytics 2.0


Level 1

I am trying to find a way to list all available reports via the Adobe Analytics API 2.0. I am aware of the endpoints to get dimensions and metrics, but is there a direct endpoint for listing all predefined report names similar to what we see in the UI. For API 1.4, we can get bookmark as workaround.

3 Replies


Level 4

The corresponding method would be to fetch projects, since there are no system defined reports anymore. You can fetch the available projects via the endpoint as shown here: Projects APIs (adobe.com)


Level 6

Hi @CongQi 
You can try this

GET https://analytics.adobe.io/api/{GLOBAL_COMPANY_ID}/projects

by passing x-api-key: {OAUTHTOKEN}"  and Authorization: Bearer {ACCESSTOKEN}"

You should receive response as below.

Note: It will return the report suite list which this API project is assigned.

"content": [
"id": "223331a1002105c7706c0a11cdd98881",
"name": "New Project 1",
"description": "",
"reportsid": "testrsid1",
"owner": {
"id": 12344422

"id": "11a1a1fa002105ffac7702333dd788",
"name": "New Project 2",
"description": "",
"reportsid": "testrsid2",
"owner": {
"id": 12344455
"type": "project",
"created": "YYYY-05-04T19:31:12Z"


Level 1

Thanks for the information and do we have a similar endpoint report.run in API 1.4 for API 2.0? And we can put the configuration body into the report.run to fetch the data.