Good Day !!!!
I Need to Download My past 30 days website visitor's data in adobe analytics , Can anyone suggest me some ideas
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Once the data is generated, download it and save it on your computer.
"Create a Custom Report"?? This sounds like instructions for Reports and Analytics which will sunset in Dec.... Looks like someone was using ChatGPT to provide an answer...
Now, @RonWoodRoff when you say "Download" what are you looking for exactly? Are you trying to get all the raw data for the last 30 days? Or a targeted 30 Day report? Or something in between?
The easiest, and most likely scenario is that you want a nice targeted report... In Workspaces, you can see the Panel Date range manually to the last 30 days (locked) or create a rolling "Last 30 Full Days" using pre-defined date ranges.
Using Freeform tables (and maybe visualizations depending on your needs), you can create a report showing metrics and dimensions that you need to understand in formats that explain the data. All the visualizations within the panel will be bound by the panel date range (unless you pull a specific date range into a table, then that date range with take precedence for the context in which it's used... i.e. maybe you want to compare data against the previous 30 days to your selected range).
Once you have the report as you want it, you can Export in multiple ways...
You can send the entire report as a PDF or CSV file to your self ( Share > Export File), or on a simple freeform table, you can right click on the dimension breakdown and select "Download Items as CSV" which will download up to 50,000 rows of data.
Or you can use the Data Warehouse feature (outside of Workspace) to build out columns of data that will create a full export based on the selected fields and metrics for the data range selected. Please note here that for each dimension added, there could be a potential for more rows of data, and UVs won't be de-duplicated...
For example, if one of the dimensions is "Page"
I could have hit 3 pages
Page Unique Visitors
Page A 1
Page B 1
Page C 1
I am only 1 UV, hitting different pages... I was a UV on Page A, and a UV on Page B and a UV on Page C... if you add the UV column I am not 3 UVs... but there's no de-duplication.... (not sure if the new UI gives additional options.. but this is how it has been traditionally)
There is also Raw Data Exports, but these come with a lot of needs to process the data (to remove items flagged for exclusion, and a lot of learning about how to read and interpret the data...). This is not something that you are just going to pick up and do immediately.... I've been working with our data team for 6 years on it, and we are still tweaking improvements....
Thank You Jennifer_Dungan
thank you @Pankaj_Sabharwal
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