You can use the "Data Warehouse" function under the "Tools" menu and refer to for documentation.
You have to select dimensions and metrics for the export and this determine the final export file size. If you use email as the destination, there are size limit on the final data size, and there is no size limit and you can choose to use tableau as export format if you use FTP as the destination.
You can use the "Data Warehouse" function under the "Tools" menu and refer to for documentation.
You have to select dimensions and metrics for the export and this determine the final export file size. If you use email as the destination, there are size limit on the final data size, and there is no size limit and you can choose to use tableau as export format if you use FTP as the destination.
As far as I know, there isn't yet a way to access your adobe data directly in tableau but there are some connectors that have been developed.
Daexus is a free connector it also runs locally on your machine so its safe as no 3rd party servers access the data.
To the second part of your question, I would reference @leocwlau answer for export. Here is also a visual explanation and other additional great resources/detail on this blog
Hey there, I'm Cristina and I helped found Daexus, I'm more than happy to set you up with a free trial account if you want to check it out. Just like @eknott pointed out, it's super safe as it only runs on your computer. More than happy to answer any questions!