Hi Team,
I have been trying to fetch the Exits metrics using Reporting API for Ranked Reports .. But didn't work.
Couple of ?s on this:
Question 1: Could I get the Exits metric for the below breakdowns(elements)?
reportDescription reportDesc = new reportDescription();
// Set the ReportSuiteID
reportDesc.reportSuiteID = "questdsgsupportStage";
reportDesc.date = "2014-06-05";
// Set the Metrics
reportDesc.metrics = new reportDefinitionMetric[1];
reportDesc.metrics[0] = new reportDefinitionMetric();
reportDesc.metrics[0].id = "Exits";
// Set the Elements
reportDesc.elements = new reportDefinitionElement[5];
reportDesc.elements[0] = new reportDefinitionElement();
reportDesc.elements[0].id = "Page";
reportDesc.elements[0].startingWith = 1;
reportDesc.elements[0].top = 20;
reportDesc.elements[1] = new reportDefinitionElement();
reportDesc.elements[1].id = "prop4"; // locale (Custom defined Element)
reportDesc.elements[2] = new reportDefinitionElement();
reportDesc.elements[2].id = "Prop32"; // Page Location (Custom defined element)
reportDesc.elements[3] = new reportDefinitionElement();
reportDesc.elements[3].id = "Prop22"; // Product (Custom defined element)
But it didn't throw any exception. But APIs returns Zero for all the rows(around 2000) for Exits metric.
Question 2: Since the above option didn't return the desired results so tried another option. Tried adding additional element named Exit Pages as the last element (breakdown) in the
elements list along with the other breakdowns(Page / Page Location / Product / Locale) and add the PageViews as metrics to get the exits...
But Reporting APIs throws an Status as 'Invalid Element (Exit Page)..
I had tried to give "PageExits" / "PageExit"' / "ExitPages" / "ExitPage" / Exit_Page - but didn't work. It keep saying that its an invalid element..
Please suggest me how I could get the exits metrics for Ranked Reports using Reporting APIs.
Thanks in Advance,