Using AEC Mobile SDK,
In adobe analytics for my mobile app report suites, i am getting "External Campaign" data but how it is being populated? Like is it an out of the box dimension by Adobe? Please look at the attached screenshot
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In our setup, we are using UTMs instead of CID, but I would expect that in both cases you need to do a little manual intervention...
In order to maintain your Marketing Channel rules, reading your CID data, you will need to ensure that the CID is still a part of the URL that is being sent to Adobe. You may have code this manually using Context Variables (since I don't know how your apps are set up)... this is something I do... I have the URL sent, and I map it to pageURL in my processing rules...BE CAREFUL this should only set set on page views and NOT on actions (otherwise all your actions will also track as page views... (Adobe uses the existence of pageName or pageURL to determine a page view)
Next, I also have my developers extract my campaigns, in my case I have them pull each UTM for me, and I put it together using Processing Rules to follow my naming conventions.. but for something simple like a CID, just have them pass the CID value as a context variable, and map it to your Tracking Code (i.e. Campaign):
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Okay so just found out that these are all web data.
So my question would be if i need to run and track any campaigns on My Mobile App, How do i set it up? Like i know for web, we track it with the URL containing external campaign ID or any reference parameter. Can you share any documentation on that?
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Well, yes and no...
If your app has Universal Links enabled, then anyone opening those web links on their phone (who have the mobile app installed) will be taken to the mobile app... and you wouldn't want to lose that attribution.
If your app is only opened via Deep Links, it really depends on how your deep links are configured and what you can potentially grab from those. Your deep links would still be going to a page/screen on your site... and I associate all pages/screens in our apps to the equivalent URL on our website...
If you are more concerned about App Installs.. well, that one is tricky... so far we only have gotten Android working... but Apple doesn't play nicely. As far as I can tell, the only way to get this info from Google is to export from the Apple Store backend, and import using Data Sources into Adobe.....
When it comes to the google store, if you add a &referrer= to the end of your Store link, you can encode values here that will be passed on the install...
So let's say your app link is:
You can instead link to:
notice that I have encoded the CID into the Referrer
cid is obvious
%3D is an encoded =
some_value_here would be replaced by the cid you want to track
Your developers will still have to grab this value, manipulate it, and send it to your context variable...
But then Universal Links like:
and Store installs with the encoded referrer would all be tracked against Tracking Code "some_value_here"
In this scenario, I also have our developers append the ?cid=some_value_here to the URL context variable do that my Marketing Channel Rules can read the campaign and process it.
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