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Exclude Segment Creation


Level 2

I have created 3 segments related to 3 products like below:


Segment 1: (Hit Level) product id = P1234

Segment 2: (Hit Level) product id = P2345

Segment 3: (Hit Level) product id = P3456


I want to know the impressions of these 3 products which is captured by event 317.


So I dropped in the 3 segments in the rows of a freeform table and event 317 in the column.


Now I want to

a. exclude the hits where evar 1 = P1234 for segment 1

b. exclude the hits where evar 1 = P2345 for segment 2

c. exclude the hits where evar 1 = P3456 for segment 3


Can I create a single segment to exclude the hits based on the above conditions and use it on top of the event 317 in the freeform table? is there a way to implement this logic in adobe analytics?


(Real scenario is different; this is a cooked up example to understand the solution;)


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10 Replies


Level 4

You can use a single segment, for example

Segment 1


Segment 2


Segment 3


Then from options, exclude the hits where the above conditions are met.




Level 2

request you to elaborate on this. You are a saying a single exclusion segment with a "OR" condition between the 3 conditions? Can you explain?


Level 4

If I understood this correctly, you are looking to exclude hits where IDs  P1234, P2345 or P3456 are present. So, a single exclude option will filter out if all segments are built in the same contain as shown in the screenshot shared. You can create the segment and then test to see if the result returned is what you expect


Level 2

No. I may not have explained clearly before. Filtering out conditions are different to each of the products. For product 1, exclusion should work for evar 1 = P1234. Similarly, for product 2, evar 1 = P2345 & for product 3, evar 1 = P3456. My Question is - can we create a single exclusion segment which works with separate conditions.


Adobe Champion

Hi @Venky235 ,

Are you looking for something like this then? Add different containers and exclude with OR condition?





Level 2

This is what I initially thought of doing too. But in the rows I have multiple segments. So exclusion segment will be applicable for all segments in the rows right? My question is with a single exclusion segment, can we put a condition for exclusion to work for each segment in the row differently.


Level 2

As others have shown, it is possible, but instead of using multiple conditions, its easier just to create an exclusion segment on hit level and using "equals any of" as the match condition, so you can list values that are excluded, instead of creating each of them as a separate condition. This also helps if the final segment is more complicated, as nesting or other conditions do not need to be applied to all. I've attached a screenshot to showcase this. Please excuse the widescreen format and wasted space.


analytics exclude hit segment.png

This is Adobe's tutorial video about the same topic, where they recommend the same: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/analytics-learn/tutorials/components/segmentation/equals-... and details on how the different operators can be found here: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/analytics/components/segmentation/segment-reference/seg-o... 


Level 2

I understood this. But my question is not for this. I have multiple segments in the rows and the exclusions segment (in the column) should not impact the segments in the rows the same way. For example, exclusions segment should exclude few hits in segment 1(in the row) and separate other hits in segemt 2 (in the row). Is this possible?


Level 2

Alright, I definitely misunderstood the original requirements.


So you have 3 segments that are used as include filter, one for each row, acting as your dimensions and event as metric.


To use a single segment for the event, so it would work exclude only value 1 from row 1, value 2 from row 2 and value 3 from row 3, I think it would require the three part OR exclude segment. Each group would have the condition for product id and evar value both defined, so e.g. exclude if product id is 1 and evar id is 1. If these are not on the same hit, then I don't think it's possible. 


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Hi, just trying to clarify the behaviour of your site.


So you are using an eVar for your product IDs (P1234 or P2345 or P3456) so all of these should be exclusive hits from one another.



  • Home Page
  • Section
  • Product Page - P1234
  • Section
  • Product Page - P3456
  • Product Page - P2345

(no cross over on the hit)


Also, your segments are all at the Hit level... so Segment 1 is looking for "P1234", Segment 2 is looking for "P2345", and Segment 3 is looking for "P3456")



I am not sure I understand the exclusion you are trying to run... at the hit level, if you are looking for "P1234" then you apply an exclusion for "P1234" in the column... how is this not just going to end up as 0?


Maybe if you can show us a "sample" report we might be able to help better?


Or, in your original segments are you using the actual Product List, where you might have multiple products passed in a single hit (like all the items in your cart)? And you have an eVar that holds an individual product... like on the product page the eVar is set to one value, while the products list is sending multiple items... and is that eVar a merchandising eVar, or a regular eVar?