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Doubts about Bounce Rate


Level 2

Hi, I have doubts about the bounce rate and its formula. It is currently defined as Bounces (visits containing exactly one hit) divided by Entries (number of times a given dimension item is captured as the first value in a visit).

On a website I am analyzing, I see that since February of this year, we went from an average of 10% to 30% without any clear explanation (no changes in tagging, no cookie modifications, no increase in traffic), so I want to know if changes have been made in the formula, specifically in the Bounces which is the metric that is increasing.

Also, when the page loads, 2 hits are received: one click and one page view. In this case, shouldn't the bounce rate decrease, or is it only considered for page view hits?




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4 Replies


Community Advisor

Hi @JBriceno 

that is correct, if 2 hits are received, you should by definition not have a Bounce.

Note that Adobe also has a "Single Page Visits" metric that should solve your issue (unless you explicitly send a second request to not have a Bounce).

Can you see a similar behavior if you do Single Page Visits divided by Entries?

Cheers from Switzerland!


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

There are many things that could cause this. From increase in bot traffic, to change in implementation. I am currently not aware of anything changing with how Adobe calculates this metric. Personally I like to look at engagement rate rather than bounce rate, as I think it gives more value.


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

I agree with both @bjoern__koth and @Nick_Walter.


I am unaware of any changes on Adobe's side, but changes in implementation can have a huge impact... if you recently added Cookie Consent, and are tracking the acceptance and the page... all of a sudden that will be multiple hits (and no longer considered a bounce).


I have used my own custom Bounce definition using "Single Page Visit" for years...  


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Hi @JBriceno,
I have also never preferred to use the bounce rate that incorporates bounces with entries, as it does not properly accomodate for what your customers are doing.  More than quite a while back, I ran into this linked video and began using this kind of metric instead as a way to understand things differently.  Again, it discusses the SPV approach, and you can see the difference it makes.
However, I also agree with @Nick_Walter, that an engagement rate is a good way to begin looking at things differently, especially if you have any future plans to migrate to CJA.