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Do I have to add an "Accept cookies" condition to every rule created?


Level 2

Hi, I am very new to Adobe Analytics and indeed, I am asking this question because the team in charge of implementing Adobe Analytics on our company is not doing a very good job, unfortunately. So, there are several things they have done that are, at least, suspicious to me or don't follow best practices.


So, that's my main question: is it necessary to add a Cookies acceptance condition to every rule created on Adobe Launch?


Thanks a lot for your time.

5 Replies


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

I guess it depends.. is your consent just about Cookies? Or about Tracking in general? 


It also depends on how you are facilitating this... With ECID, the consent settings can be set in the Extension... but then Adobe will defer to the old s_vid cookie... but I think in the extension you can change this to session based... that should change it from being a "fingerprinting" cookie, to simply a session cookie that will be destroyed at the end of the session (thereby not causing privacy issues)


If those are set up, you may not even need rules... as they are configured at the extension levels... however, if you are setting cookies in your rules (that aren't session based), you may have to add conditions, or just custom code inside your rule to control your own cookie logic... 


However, in general,  don't believe Actions will actually set cookies, but Page Views do.... of course, you will have to test the scenarios and make sure that the behaviours are as expected...  Of course, we haven't done this yet... I fully expect my company to come to me any day and request it to be done (I'm honestly surprised they haven't yet)....


Now, if your consent is around tracking itself, then any rule that is used to create tracking would need a condition... 


Level 2

Hi! Yes, it's about tracking. I forgot to add that all rules Adobe Analytics' related. So that was my question: since tracking cookies need to be accepted in order to AA to fire on the site, I was wondering if there was any general configuration on the Extension where we could just check this and avoid having to add this condition on every single Rule created.




Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Except that cookies don't need to be accepted to fire analytics... You can still collect tracking information without using cookies / fingerprinting users....


This will result in higher UVs, but its still legitimate traffic (i.e. page views, what pages are being accessed, etc).


If you are simply talking about opting out of Cookies, you can apply opt-out rules into your Visitor ID Service extension, and on your Adobe Analytics extension, set your cookie lifetime to session. (This will just make sure that the backup s_vid shouldn't persist beyond the session, thereby not follow the user between sessions)... but the analytics can still continue to track. 

Now, if you explicitly ask if people want to opt out of tracking that is an entirely different type of opt-out.... and this is the one that would need all the conditions....



There is a fundamental difference between opting out of cookies, and opting out of tracking.


But no, there is no "global" configuration for this, your rules can be doing anything... adobe analytics, pixel trackers, CSS changes, setting/reading session storage variables, literally anything you can do with JS.. just like every rule needs its own trigger, it also needs it's own condition (IF you need the rule to run conditionally).


Level 2

Thanks for the fast answer, I really appreciate all the work you do for the community.

Whenever a new user comes to the site, a cookies notice pops up, when he choose what group of cookies he wants. One of this group is "Analytics", and if accepts these, Analytics comes into action. Otherwise, there's no tracking that I see, because of GPRD. 


Thank you again :).


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Right, but that is opting out Analytics Cookies... not opting out of Analytics in general... based on your wording above:


"Whenever a new user comes to the site, a cookies notice pops up, when he choose what group of cookies he wants"


Operative term is cookies, and as I said, you can continue to track analytics without cookies.