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Count of Days Error


Level 1

As you see my selected Time Frame is Feb 1 - Feb 23 and the count of days metric is showing 22. This happens very randomly and would like to know what causes this ? What is the best way to dynamically measure count of days besides the count distinct ?




3 Replies


Level 2

Hi @vinayc16055999 ,


This calculated metric will give you the distinct number of days when your report suite had data. I believe in your case you are checking a report suite which has a different time zone than yours and actual day hasn't started in the report suite time zone.


Level 1

Hi @kaush1889   I dont think its due to the reason specified as in the below snapshot you will see that the date range is Feb 1 - Feb 28  and no of days are 27





Level 2

Pull a report with occurrences metric and Day as dimension. You will see that there is no data for one of the day in Feb.