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Conversion event reported for both activity location URL and target URL in CTA element


Level 1

I created an A/B test in Target that used a redirect to show a redesigned page to half the visitors, with the goal measured by "Clicked an element". The report in Target was configured to show Conversion Rate grouped by Unique Visitors. Activity Conversions seemed usually high for the visitors that experienced the redirect, so I viewed the Target Experiences Report By Pages in Analytics.

It showed that the conversions reported in Target (for the redesign/redirect experience only, not the control experience) were counted for BOTH the URL's specified in the activity location, but also the URL that the visitors arrived on AFTER they clicked the CTA element on the first URL.

I do not want the latter to inflate the conversion rate shown in Target. Any idea why Target is reporting activity conversions for pages not specified as an Activity Location? Should the target audience have been filtered for Unique Visitors to the Landing Pages only?

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