Hi Team,
We have fund details values which we are capturing in list var that is list1
and we have classified list values into four parts
Example:97997635|聯博大利基金|none|Fact Sheet
we classified it into ID, NAME, CLASS, TYPE
Our client want the ID and TYPE value together
For Example: 97997635|Fact Sheet
is it possible to achieve it without doing changes in launch for example using processing rule or any other adobe analytics functionality ?
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So yes, if you are sending the data into your dimension in this format: ID|NAME|CLASS|TYPE, then splitting the values, and concatenating the parts you need... the tricky part however lies in the chinese characters...
So for example: 1234|sample name|example classification|download (or your example 97997635|聯博大利基金|none|Fact Sheet), you would first have to create one or more classifications on your dimension (right now, you want ID|TYPE, so you would need a classification for that scenario).
In your Admin settings for you Report Suite, you would first create a classification (let's assume this is an eVar, so you would go to Edit Settings > Conversion > Conversion Classifications)
Now, you would find the eVar in your list, and create a classification:
Once this is created, go to Admin > Classification Rule Builder
And create a new rule, and create Regular Expression rule type:
Here is a quick regex rule that I put together: ^(\d+)\|(.+)\|(.+)\|(.+)$
(basically start of line, 1 or more numeric values, followed by a pipe, followed by 1 or more of any character, followed by a pipe, followed by 1 or more of any character, followed by a pipe, followed by 1 or more of any character, end of line)
I put each section into its own regex group, as you can see in the screenshot, I will want to use group 1 ($1) and group 4 ($4) to build out the resulting classification (output: $1|$4).
And the result of my test is:
Hi @Jennifer_Dungan
Its a list var (list1) and the classification rule is already in place.
We classified values in 4 parts as i explained above
Example:97997635|聯博大利基金|none|Fact Sheet
we classified it into ID, NAME, CLASS, TYPE
Can I used this classified values to get the output like ID | TYPE
Client is expecting just ID and TYPE values together
Can we modify the existing classification rule ? can we add one more rule having these two values together (ID |TYPE) ? if yes, what will be impact on existing rule ? when I am trying to add the new rule in existing classification rule it showing me below message :
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What you are showing is you have separated your "ID|NAME|CLASS|TYPE" into their own separate items... one for ID, one for Name, one for Class, and one for Type...
You still need to create a new classification for the combination of "ID|TYPE" (whatever you want to call it)
When you edit any classification, yes you will get that warning (and yes, the classification will be temporarily disabled).... leave all those four rules untouched, and create a new rule as above, and map it to the new classification....
So you will end up with 5 rules. One for each separate item, and one for a combined ID + Type...
You can even use the same regex as you have in your screenshot, I added a specification for a numeric id, but the any character regex works too...
After you test and confirm that sample data is returning all 5 classifications, then you can choose a lookback window (I would go with the max 6 Months myself). Reactive the rule, and Adobe will re-process all 5 rules for the last 6 months.
All Classification Rules get disabled while you are making changes so that they don't run the risk of processing while you are tweaking.
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