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Can't find s_vi cookie


Level 3

Hi there,

We capture the value of the s_vi cookie into an eVar via eVar64="D=s_vi". Lately these captures have gone down drastically.

Turns out cookie s_vi is missing when viewed in chrome.

Any ideas?


1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Community Advisor

Did you change/add the expericence cloud visitor ID service? you can check if you see an "AMCV_xxx@AdobeOrg" cookie, see here: Analytics Cookies

As far as I know when you use this ID service, it will set/use the "mid" and no s_vi is set at all.

easiest way is change your eVar to something like

eVar64="D=mid" to capture the new ID.

or you can create a data element which tries to get both values (combined with a delimeter) to capture old and new ID.

View solution in original post

5 Replies


Correct answer by
Community Advisor

Did you change/add the expericence cloud visitor ID service? you can check if you see an "AMCV_xxx@AdobeOrg" cookie, see here: Analytics Cookies

As far as I know when you use this ID service, it will set/use the "mid" and no s_vi is set at all.

easiest way is change your eVar to something like

eVar64="D=mid" to capture the new ID.

or you can create a data element which tries to get both values (combined with a delimeter) to capture old and new ID.



Hi k61152442,

If you recently deployed the Experience Cloud ID service, then that service sets an amcv_(org id) cookie instead.  In that cookie if there was an s_vi value it translates that to an aid paramater (analytics ID) but the main parameter used by the service is the mid parameter which is the Marketing cloud ID.  This identification replaces the old analytics s_vi identifier in Analytics. I've seen people use D=mid before but I'm not 100% sure if that works all the time to capture the mid value.

I hope that helps,




Beat me by a minute! nice response.


Community Advisor

sorry settytb


Level 3

Thank you both! We have switched over to MCID. That explains it.