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Calculation of Unique event count


Level 2

Hi everyone,


I have a scenario where a user can comes to a website and do some action by which "event x" will trigger. Is there a way we can count this event in a way like they come everyday (From Sunday till Saturday) and do action event x will trigger but we will only count that user as 1 else 0 (If they didn't come in any single day).


I have tried via segments but it didn't work, any other help (Like segments or calculated metrics) is really appreciated.

Attaching an excel which demonstrates this example that gives more clarity.

3 Replies


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Have you tried making a Cohort Table??


If you were to do a Daily Granularity with "Rolling Calculation" on your custom event (adding in your custom event to the metrics and using the default >= 1):




The "Rolling" will make sure that if a User misses even one day, they are out of the cohort...


You can also create segments form any cell in the cohort (like the last day where only users who triggered your custom event on ALL Days), but they will be locked to the specific "Days" when the cohort was generated, but you should be able to modify the resulting segment to use rolling Date Ranges....



I just used "Page Views" as a proxy and here is a sample of the segment:



I would then replace "Day equals Sep 27, 2023" with a rolling date range like "7 Days Ago", then "6 Days Ago", etc


Level 2

I am trying with the cohort table approach, but there is one catch. Within the inclusion criteria I don't want to go with UV's or Visits metrics as ID for unique visitor can be changed if the user visited from different browser.

We have another dimension which has unique id and remains same across browsers. Issue is if I use that dimension in a calculated metrics (Using a segment) as distinct it will not appear in cohort table.


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

The problem is, unless you have access to the top tier Device Graph, which gives access to the "People" metric; Adobe cannot do any sort of stitching based on custom tracking...


If you need to do this based on your own ID, you will have to take this outside of Adobe and do the calculations somewhere else...


When we need to do that based on our unique user login GUIDs, I get our Data Lake team to pull and calculate such data...


I know this isn't really the answer you are looking for... I really wish "People" was available at lower tiers; I feel your pain.