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Advanced conversions error


Level 2

This problem arises when performing advanced conversions in Google, does anyone know why?




3 Replies


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Hi, can you provide more context to your question... this is a Google conversion... are you using Launch to implement the conversion?


I don't even know where this image was taken from.... is this an issue in GA? Google Ads? where... 


You should be aware that this forum is for Adobe Analytics, and we can help support implementations made in Adobe Launch... but if you are having a problem with a Google product, you would be better off trying to get help in their community, as they are more likely to have seen this issue.


Level 1

Good morning,

Hi, let me try to explain. I'm new to Adobe PDF Services API. I am trying to use extract. Regarding the statement, "I don't even know where this image was taken from...". Please clarify, maybe the image is the "sample PDF"?

Thank you for your time



Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

What? The question literally asked about an issue when "performing advanced conversions in Google". There is nothing here about API or PDF Services... 


The image attached shows a Spanish version of a Google Page (not sure which Google Product it is exactly) indicating that there is attention required on their conversions. I am assuming this is Google Ads... but no context about how this relates to Adobe Analytics was provided. 


Is Adobe Launch being used to trigger Google Conversions? Is that where help is required? If so, what has been done so far, something that would allow us to understand what is happening so we can provide help.