Will AMC Visitor ID Service helps to track the cross domain tracking? or should I need to go FPC In order to do cross domain tracking.
want to track the Domain A --> Domain B. In future new requirement to track the Domain C --> Domain D, I can expect this requirement also Domain A --> Domain C --> Domain D.
not sure, if i use the visitor ID will be there be any chances of browser rejecting third party cookies?
Any Suggestion??
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Visitor ID service should serve the same MID as long as you are using same Marketing cloud ORG ID in the configuration and the demdex cookie is present.
Safari does not accept third party cookies nowadays I believe so I would say the best solution would be appendVisitorIDsTo (Cross-Domain Tracking) .
Remember that the AMCV_ cookie is set as first party cookie always so using the solution above should work . Only demdex cookie is set as third party cookie.
FPC cookie implementation is also valid as per Bupathi advice but I prefer the solution to append the visitor IDs.
Dear Bupathi,
In short, if browser accepts third-party cookies, tracking cross domains is possible in Marketing Cloud ID.
The link MCID cross-domain tracking will help you to understand the concept.
But if your browser reject third party cookies, FPC is the only option.
Thank You
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Visitor ID service should serve the same MID as long as you are using same Marketing cloud ORG ID in the configuration and the demdex cookie is present.
Safari does not accept third party cookies nowadays I believe so I would say the best solution would be appendVisitorIDsTo (Cross-Domain Tracking) .
Remember that the AMCV_ cookie is set as first party cookie always so using the solution above should work . Only demdex cookie is set as third party cookie.
FPC cookie implementation is also valid as per Bupathi advice but I prefer the solution to append the visitor IDs.
Hi Alexis Cazes Adobe - I tried using appendVisitorIdsTo() but did not have any luck. The correct MCID is not passing through on Safari. I even included it on a specific link such as the example here suggests and had the query parameter present upon page load at the second domain. The MCID was not successfully overwritten with what was in the query parameter.
Any other solutions or idea why this would happen?
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I will need some code example to be able to help.
Do you have correct:
AppMeasurement.js version
VisitorID services version
Is it deployed in the correct order ?
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Site 1- fully DTM
Visitor ID- 3.3 (loaded first)
Analytics - 2.11
Site 2- Visitor ID is loaded with DTM
Visitor ID- 2.5 (loaded first)
Analytics - not sure analytics is done server-side
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Where is the MCID not overwritten ? The adobe Analytics server call or the cookie itself?
Does the descrination site already has an MID ?
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I had similar issues. It seems that sometimes appendVisitorIDsTo() does not apped the MCID. The solution for me was to call first getMarketingCloudVisitorID() and run appendVisitorIDsTo() only after that.
If the browser rejects 3rd party cookies and you are not implementing CNAMES(https://docs.adobe.com/help/en/id-service/using/reference/analytics-reference/cname.html) you will need to decorate every URL that redirects the user from DomainA to DomainB: https://docs.adobe.com/content/help/en/id-service/using/id-service-api/methods/appendvisitorid.html
Hopefully, someday the decoration of the URL with the user ID will be able to be automated in an easy way.
Hope this helps.
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