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Adobe Launch-youtube no cookie tracking


Level 2

Hi Team,


Our site has implemented with youtube-nocookie.com videos but this format videos are not tracking with youtube embedded tracking method,

Can some one help me how we can track this kind of video?





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2 Replies


Community Advisor

I've never had proper success tracking YouTube videos using only Adobe Launch ever... whether it was a regular YT or this new No-Cookie variant.


In our experience, the play, pause, etc actions only sporadically worked... I would hit play - nothing, I would hit pause - nothing, I would hit play again - success, I would hit pause - nothing,  I would hit play again - nothing, I would hit pause - success...


There was no pattern to the failures to detect the events... it resulted in a approximately a 70% failure rate. Now, it's possible that was due to something in our React site, I have not tried with our new front-end code.


Questions for you:

1. Have you had YouTube Videos (before no-cookie) implemented on your site, and was that code stable? (Trying to figure out if the issue is YT in general, or just this new variation)

2. Are you seeing any error messages? Or are your triggers just not being detected?


Level 1

Thanks for your reply @Jennifer_Dungan 


Same code is working fine on normal YouTube video

And not getting any error or exception in console.