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Adobe Analytics and Mobile Tracking


Level 2

Hi Everybody,

I implemented Adobe in a React Native App and i set this tracking action in the app.



I also created the property in Adobe Launch. However, how can I retrieve the values in Launch to forward this information to Adobe Analytics an put it in Evars?

Do I need to utilize Adobe Analytics processing rules for this purpose? If so, how can I access the data from the processing rules?


This the documentation that i used to implement Mobile SDK



Thank you in advance for your assistance!


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3 Replies


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

You don't need to access the context variables in Launch... they should all be passed as context variables to Adobe, then you need to map them using Processing Rules on your suite.


Launch is really just used to manage Suite Connections and Extensions... 



  • subscriptionChannel
  • siteName
  • webChannel

Once they have passed some data, should be available in Processing Rules as Context Data:




Level 2

Hi Jennifer,

Thanks very much for your answer!



Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

You're welcome Good luck with your mobile app!