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unlimit number of characters for Scheduled Reports columns


Level 1


From Scheduled Reports there is the option to "Configure Columns" which would be even more useful if the number of characters in each column were not limited.  Would it be possible to unlimit/expand the number of characters allowed in each column, particularly "File Name?"  "File Name" appears to have a max of 37 or 38 characters. The limitation exists even if the File Name column is the only column selected and the column is quite wide. I have about 100 scheduled reports uniquely named by File Name and with the limited number of characters it is currently impossible to distinguish between them. Please see attached screen shot for what I'm talking about. Thanks for your consideration.


P.S. Some history ~ prior to the big upgrade last spring, if File Name existed, it would automatically show in the Scheduled Reports menu. At that time there wasn't the degree of limitation of characters and I had no problem identifying them.