20 characters generally is no longer enough to serialize events against... System GUIDs are now generally 36 characters, but can be longer... transaction ids from Google Play Store are 24 characters (now, right now, the solution is to strip the gns or gpa designation at the beginning, and all the . and - characters which just gets us to 20; but how long will this solution last?).
20 characters may have been enough at one time, but times have changed and serialization needs to change with it.
Why is this feature important to you
Being able to properly serialize against User GUIDs or full transaction ids, rather than risking those values starting with the same 20 characters and being ignored is important to anyone dealing with transactions or any sort of need to de-duplicate based on user ids (account registrations for instance)
How would you like the feature to work
Serialization needs to allow more than 20 characters... while 36 would cover a lot of needs, there could be other scenarios where this isn't enough... increasing to 255 should cover most concerns and then some.
Current Behaviour
Serialization is currently limited to 20 characters, anything passed above that is truncated and only the first 20 characters are used for serialization.. this poses a risk of multiple values matching in the first 20 characters (but diverging in the last half) being ignore by the system.