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SC Fall Out Reports w/Events & Variables for Segments & Trends, not just Pages


Level 10


Fall Outs & Path Finder are used to look for behavioral patterns and Segments we want to address & market to.  Doing so is very limited if not impossible using Pages alone.  Instead we need to also add Variables and Events as nodes in Fall Out reports and Path Finder.

Events indicate a Visitor logically reached state X regardless of the Page it occurred on.  Otherwise if all Events were tied to a single page, why would we need Events?  Conversion Funnels allow Event flows but no pages.  So to do Fall Outs with only pages at each node is missing the point of elevating and looking at Behaviors and instead stuck in the era of Page Counting. Example Below:

CONCEPT: You want to look at the success from Page A to Page B for all Visitors who between those two looked at any of your on site sales promotions (captured by Event 1) - How would you do it?  Multiple separate Fall Outs for every page between A and B where Sales Promos exist?

IDEA SUGGESTING: Instead, suggest the following: Page A > Event 1 > Page B

What if you wanted to look at this same Fall Out but do so for who looked at Car vs. Truck promotions (Hey - I'm Ford...) which you captured in eVar1?   Clearly a core reason for collecting variables is to do exactly this and qualify events.  So obviously we must be able to qualify Fall Outs

Same example then would be:    Page A > Event 1 > eVar1="Truck" > Page B

This is just a simple & elemental example.  Clearly could build more complex and meaningful patterns from this and make these very effective tools.

Consider also if Segmentation finally becomes a core pillar in ALL Omniture tools and especially Site Catalyst, then if you built the above Fall Out you could push a button to "Define Segment" and use this in Data Warehouse, Test & Target, Recommendations, Merchandising, etc.



Level 1


Hi, Mark,


What site(s) are you trying to do this on, if you don't mind me asking? You can email me at mhalbroo@adobe.com or catch me on Twitter @MichaelHalbrook. I ask because we could do this pretty simply and easily with your SiteCatalyst data in Omniture Insight, and I have clients doing this, with an automated Segment Export to T&T, if T&T is integrated as well.




Level 10


Thanks Michael, will touch base.


Agreed, this can be done in different tools or as different pieces, but that is almost the crux issue of so many of these ideas - the power that Omniture is now sitting on is yet to be fully realized and unleashed i.e. Integrating All the Pin Wheel tools into a core business information source and tool.


We need this information where we can use it, I need to be able to push these insights out in context of other information i.e. A Dashboard not multiple ones for our customers to align, etc.


Can't tell you many times and how simple the concept is to have T&T results on a Site Catalyst report looking at other measure and KPI's around a test, etc. - Can not do it with Omniture have to take the data out and put it together.  That's lost time, resources, and impact.  Actually, wondering how many T&T tests people are doing that Never require looking at other signals on their sites?  Prior performamce trends, etc.???


The potential is huge!!  Just need to tap into it!