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Reporting same day across international time zones in Report Builder


Level 1


Currently, when using ARB and building relative date blocks(through custom date expressions, relative to cell, or fixed date) ARB looks to the host computer's time zone and uses it to determine what date "today" is, and then it acts accordingly instead of reporting according to the date of the actual Report Suite.  For example, this occurs when reporting from a host of Pacific Coast Time to China Standard Time (15 hours ahead).


The current work arounds include:


  • In the "Options" area of ARB, the selection to "Ask me to set date upon refresh" and then pick the date ahead of the current day from the calendar as your pivot date.  
  • When a report is scheduled, the scheduling servers will use the time zone of the report suite to calculate the relative days, so one could build the proper rolling date and then schedule the report to get the current day's data on a scheduled report.
  •  The time zone on the host computer could be temporarily changed to that of the report suite should the user desire to see the data with the correct date live.

It would make sense that automatically, the data blocks would be able to be manually refreshed and instinctively pull the date/time of the report suite (and not of the host computer) so that we don't have to use the work around options.