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Report Builder as free license


Level 4



a few weeks ago I was at an Omniture Training. The trainer was showing us the features of the report builder. It is to 98% the same like the Excel-Plugin. The Excel-Plugin was for free. Why do I need to pay for the Report Builder? Interesting business model: Change the name of a product and make it cost something...

Please make the Report Builder available for all user for free!


Regards, Hjalmar



Level 1


Hjalmar, Report Builder adds new functionality not previously available in Excel Client, but your idea was suggested and implemented a few months ago. Please see the idea here: http://ideas.omniture.com/t5/Adobe-Idea-Exchange-for-Omniture/Excel-client-is-nearing-end- of-life-make-report-builder-free-of/idi-p/4643Contact your Account Manager with any license issues. Thanks!


Level 4


Hi Ben,


the other idea says that it is free in premium contracts. Our keyaccount says we don't have a license although we renewed our contract of more than 5 bn servercalls a year for further three years. Why did nobody tell us about the new contract options??? An I do not agree that Report Builder is so much different to the Excel-Client. Maybe its more stable but the major functionality is the same.


What I think is: Omniture removed the Excel-Client so we don't have this functionality anymore. Our prices have not been reduced. Now you tell me that we have to pay more to get most of the Excel-Clients functionality back??? What kind of logic is that?


Regards, Hjalmar


Level 1


My apologies if the referenced idea exchange submission was not clear. Unlimited ReportBuilder licenses are included in both the Adobe Analytics Standard and Premium contracts that were made available toward the beginning of this year and evangelized at Summit.  If you renewed your contact before these new licensing options were finalized, then they may not have arisen in your contact renewal discussions. 


I am sorry if you do not perceive the many new features we bring to the table via ReportBuilder to be of significant value or difference from Excel Client. We and many customers feel the segmentation, breakdown, filtering, and contextual customization ReportBuilder offers far exceeds Excel Client's current capabilities.  Because we offered two Excel-based solutions, we have been charging for ReportBuilder to support it's initial development and additional services it provides, but as we move to a single Excel solution, we have provided a transition path to make such an integration free. 


In the meantime, Excel Client will continue to be offered free of charge to allow for transition opportunities to occur.