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Multiple dimension columns in Analysis Workspace


Level 2


Description - Being able to create a table with multiple dimensions side-by-side on a panel.

Why is this feature important to you - It's visually more simple to track than comparing the breakdowns of your various primary dimensions across every dimension. You also then have no way to easily sort the top combinations to the top of your view without exporting the data and manipulating in Excel.

How would you like the feature to work - Be able to drag multiple dimensions side-by-side, just the same as you can metrics.

Current Behavior - You can only have one dimension in a table (unless the other dimensions are breakdowns). I can't create a flat table of multiple dimensions in the Analytics Workspace view.

1 Comment


Level 2


Hi @JayGr , 


this would definitely be a great feature!


If I may, let me share with you how I have been working this around: I have been creating derived fields in the data view to concatenate the columns I want to analyse. I understand this is not the same thing and results might not address your use case accordingly. Anyway, I though this might eventually help you the same way it helped me while we all wait for the feature to be added to the product.


Here is the docummentaion oh how to do it:



All the best!

Filipe Freitas