I have used T&T for several years, but am new to Site Catalyst / Discover. My situation is likely similar to others - getting tags implemented is a very time-consuming process. Therefore, it is imperative that when we initiate the first wave of tagging, we do it right and avoid any mistakes that would be time-consuming to fix. I have been diligent about trying to collect tips, tricks, insights, documentation from both Omniture representatives as well as customers. After attending Summit last week and hearing that implementation is one of the main challenges for new users, it seems to me that there should be a dedicated section in help that provides documentation for newbies.
Some ideas:
- Lists of the most critical things to get right (I'm hearing page naming is critical). Maybe Omniture could conduct surveys of customers after finishing implementation to collect their input, then compile and share with new users?
- Best practice suggestions on what new SiteCat users should be documenting and sharing within their org (I hear maintaining a real-time list of eVars/sProps is critical)
- Maybe consider webinars (and/or sessions at future Summits) where companies that have recently completed an implementation share their successes, failures, learnings?