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Company-wide Scheduled Reports View


Level 2


A master view of all scheduled reports going out across all report suites and users, for the entire company.

Currently, if a scheduled report has an error I have to either explain the issue to the user the report has been scheduled by and wait for them to fix it themselves, or log in under their username and fix it without their knowledge. This continues to be an issue year in and year out.



Level 3


This is already available for all Admin users under 'Components -> Scheduled Reports'.


If you check the box 'Show All Scheduled Reports' next to the top right filter box, then you will see all scheduled reports for your company


Level 3


Unfortunately there are several reports that go out that don't show up even "If you check the box 'Show All Scheduled Reports' "  reports from tools like Ad Hoc and Data Warehouse don't show up.  This should be fixed to show all.