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Classifications | Flag which RSID are already enabled


Level 1


Screenshot 2020-07-13 at 12.33.21.png


When doing classification for multiple report suites, there is an alert when one or more report suites have a different/existing configuration:

The classifications for this report do not match for all report suites. Only classifications that match exactly can be viewed and edited across report suites.


If it is smart enough to know that one or more report suites have a different classification, could it please indicate which report suite(s) are affected? Spending a lot of time on unraveling this mystery..

1 Comment


Level 10


The best way would be to contact customer care to be honest.


You might think that the error would flag only if classification tree is different but in some cases even if you have same classification tree, in reality in the backend the mapping is different.




report1 == id1

report2 == id2

report3 == id3




report1 == id1

report2 == id2

report3 == id4


So while you would think that the classification config is the same on the client-side, in the backend it is actually different. That happens when you would have had another classified report but you removed it after adding report3