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Join us January 15th for an AMA with Champion Achaia Walton, who will be talking about her article on Event-Based Reporting and Measuring Content Groups!

Calendar Events - Optional at Edit Reportlet level for Dashboards


Level 10


Allows us to turn Calender Events On/Off at a Reportlet level for Dashboards.


Also allow us the option of showing the Calendar Events title on the Report or Reportlet for distribution of Dashboards (See Green Arrow in Picture below)





Level 10


Not only in dashboards, but in regular reports. I have multiple events each day. Hundreds of line items at this point. This makes the graphing pretty unusable and manually turning them on and off impractical. It would be good to have an on-report toggle.


Level 1


Yes, I agree! Calendar Events are such a helpful feature, but they really can't be fully utilized within larger organizations without further customization! In addition to allowing users the ability to turn/turn off calendar events, it would be ideal if they could be organized via a tagging feature. For example, if I create a calendar event for our US report suite, I wouldn't want to see that within my Canada, Japan, Australia, etc. reporting. Or, if I am looking at a Search report, I wouldn't want to see an Email or Social calendar event. Tagging would allow admins the ability to organize calendar events, which could then be selected/not selected as proposed in arkley68's original submission.




Definitely an excellent idea.  Please add calendar events to Analysis Workspace and Report Builder as well.  It would also be great if calendar events looked a bit more like sticky notes instead of colored lines, which often add a level of initial confusion to graphs in trended reports.  Thank you!