Description - It may seem simple and maybe even nitpicky, but I would like for the very basic formatting and alignment of the text in the #Description section of my scheduled project to, in turn, be directly reflected in the body of the emails received by the end users when they receive their scheduled emails instead of an incoherent, congealed blob of text.
Why is this feature important to you - I already have a difficult time getting my end users to read the emails they receive without #Adobe making my job and my data storytelling more difficult.
How would you like the feature to work - At the very least, I would like the body of the emails to reflect the formatting and spacing the way it is laid out in the Description section to schedule my project, whether I'm scheduling a new project or editing an existing project.

In fact, it would even be better if we had simple HTML editing capabilities to allow for richer content, and I know this should be possible.
Current Behavior - Today, any text appearing in the Description is single-spaced together and placed in the body of the recipient's email with no formatting, minus one exception. That exception allows for any hyperlinks appearing in the text are made active and usable.

These messages provide so much opportunity and potential for engagement with our data end-users, and this is one place where we are really dropping the ball, folks!