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Analysis Workspace: Disable Percent in Cell by Default


Adobe Champion


When adding a new metric to an Analysis Workspace table, it always defaults the column to include the Percent. Most of our users immediately disable the Percent view, or forget and share it out to business users who are then promptly confused by it. This is particularly the case with trended data. This could be avoided if the default was just the metric by itself and the display of Percent is an option that can be enabled



Level 8


Hi Jake,


I know exactly what you mean and there are other frustrating default settings too. Just to let you know I have idea request that covers this too:
http://ideas.omniture.com/t5/Idea-Exchange-for-Adobe/Workspace-Add-support-to-change-setti ngs-with-one-click-to-all/idi-p/15448


Level 1


I completely agree. Also if I have metrics in rows like visits and conversion, and a segment in the column - if I disable % it will hide the % for visits but then my conversion metric won't show up.