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Analysis Workspace: Data values shown in graphs


Level 6


Analysis workspace does a great job showing you the value of a bar or a line data point when you hover over them.  However when you export the project to a PDF, that information gets lost to the scale on the side of the graph.

it would be great if we could display the data points on top of the bars or next to the link data points.  having the option to display all data points or just the min/max so the user's don't have to hover them and so they get printed to the PDF would be enourmously helpful as we (analyst) tend to share information via email and slack in a more informal situations.

these labels should change based on the scale so if I want to display % vs numbers, I just need to change the scale of my graph and the data labels will update automatically



Level 1


Hey Brandon, leaving a comment here as well. Its been almost two years since this comment. Is this still on the road map? I have had to start using Google's free Datastudio instead of Adobe Analytics (which we pay a small fortune for) to run our dashboards due to the lack of this feature.


Level 1


Hi, just saw this thread. We're needing to present the visuals in PDF format and will need the figures to show (like Excel). Any way to work around this?


Employee Advisor


We are going to be adding the ability to show min/max value labels on line visualizations soon.


Regarding showing all data point labels and across more visualizations (like bar, area, etc) – that remains on the backlog for future consideration.

Status changed to: Investigating


Level 1


Hi @jen_lasser,


Thanks for looking into data labels for charts.  I googled this question and found this thread.  Are there any new updates for when data label will be added? 


Specifically, I'm looking to add data labels to bar charts (all types).  For now, my workaround is exporting datasets to Excel.  More design flexibility overall in AA would be great.  It's rough for end users to quickly grasp takeaways with AA chart viz as it stands.  I'm keen on designing around preattentive attributes to communicate the data story quickly to my audience.  The ability to do this is limited in Workspace. 


Level 1


Just adding myself to this request. 


Can't understand how a simple thing like data labels are not there yet, data visualisations are somewhat meaningless w/o them. Unless Adobe like us to move back to Google analytics then I see no other option but to add them in

c'mon guys reporting on data is as important as the data itself




Employee Advisor


Just following up with a video of how to add min/max labels to line visuals: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYNrO74QDpc


Data labels for all data points and across other viz types remains on the backlog for future consideration.


Level 2


Also adding myself as this is necessary for reporting out to the organization.  Some graphs/charts are rendered useless if we cannot use data labels.