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Allow Different Aggregations for Columns in Workspace Freeform Tables


Level 2


Description - there is no way to change the default aggregation behavior for columns within freeform tables. For example, some dimensions have a sum total at the top while some dimensions have an average, with no way to manually change them.

Why is this feature important to you - A field our analytics team uses frequently is Visits Per Visitor, however, when looking at certain time dimensions the value does not calculate how we are desiring, so instead of it having a sum at the top, an average would be much more useful. The option to select our own aggregation method would be preferred.

How would you like the feature to work - Either in Freeform table settings or within the column gear icon in the freeform table, a way to select if we would like the column to sum total or calculate an average (or median, as another example).

Current Behaviour - Certain dimensions total up as a sum at the top of the column and some provide averages automatically (such as Time Spent Per Visit), but being able to manually choose per dimension would be very powerful.

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