Description - We need to take the ability to include images in Adobe Analytics descriptions to the NEXT LEVEL. Just as simply as I can copy and paste an image into Experience League, then resize it, I should be able to do the exact same thing in Adobe Analytics Workspace.
Why is this feature important to you - One word: SECURITY! For anyone in my organization to see the data I'm displaying in Adobe Analytics, what do they have to do? You guessed it, they have to LOGIN. The problem with the functionality right now is I still have to use a site that may not be as secure as some might wish it to be, even if the place I'm posting my image is considered "hidden."
How would you like the feature to work - I want it to work exactly like the functionality in Experience League. I would like to be able to either upload an image or simply copy/paste an image right into the description of any section I'm working within Adobe Analytics, resize it, and voilà!
Current Behavior - The only way I may successfully place an image into Adobe Analytics Workspace is to host the image externally where the URL is available publicly - thus the potential root of the problem for any number of customers who may wish to use imagery they may wish to keep secured.