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Add shortcut to Calculated Metrics Manager menu




Currently, in order for a user to view & edit the list of calculated metrics that the user creates, the user will have to access the calculated metrics manager menu from a report > select metrics > in the Metrics Selector menu, click on the colorful + icon to go to "Manage calculated metrics"; which is quite a few of the steps if user is just looking to edit calculated metrics instead of running reports on calculated metrics. And it is usually not always clear to users that the existing "Mange Calculated Metrics" buttons gives them the option to create calculated metrics (because they won't know what that icon is for unless they hover over the icon) I recommend making this metrics manager more prominent in the interface by adding a link to the Calculated Metrics Manager into the list of searchable options in the menu. 


A place that might be a good candidate to do this is In the "View All Report" menu, there is the Calculated Metrics menu filder that houses reports for each calculated metrics, but no access to the calculated metrics manager, which might be a good spot to place the calculated metrics manager.    

1 Comment




Great suggestion and we agree so we changed up the way metrics are organized in the last release (late last week) and it should make this a lot easier.