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Add option to filter search results alphabetically


Level 8


This idea was on the old forum, but after the migration I couldn't find it anymore so I wrote a new one. Curation and variable settings in virtual report suites have helped a lot when we want to adjust variables for certain project etc. However, the basic search in Workspace could need some adjustments and then it would be easier and faster to find right variables (especially for new users).

I can think of many kinds of filterings that would be a big help, but filtering by alphabetically is one of the most wanted wish for the search. I have few other

ideas written separately for the search.

I guess this is easy to understand. There could be some kind of link/button/icon to filter search results alphabetically and you could find everything quicker.



Level 5



To this, I would also add a request for an option to find the "exact match" at the top of the search results list. Sometimes in Workspace, when we do "search dimension values", the exact match of the search value won't even be returned at the top of the list, and we have to scroll through the results to find our value... this is suboptimal.