Background: An A/B Target activity was created and used Analytics as the reporting source. A custom workspace project was built in Analytics to analyze the test data. The Target Activities Analytics filter was used in one of the freeform tables. Data was showing up when the test was running with the applicable test timeframe chosen within the workspace project. Once the Target activity was deactivated (and the same date range was used), the data ceased to show in that freeform table with that same Target Activities segment name. This is because after the test is shut off, the Target Activity segment appends "(deactivated)" at the end of the segment name. Thus, it appears that the data has ceased to flow into the project because the segment that was originally set up to collect this information does not have "(deactivated)" appended to it.
What this means is that we have to rebuild the dashboard dragging over this "new" segment that now includes "(deactivated)" in its name. Analytics gets confused and can't recognize that this is the same segment. This is a hassle and not ideal because you have to start over and build your dashboard from scratch.
Example: Target Activity segment name "2018.09.28_Target_AB_Test_Name" becomes "2018.09.28_Target_AB_Test_Name (deactivated)" once a test is deactivated. If you visit the workspace project you created, all of your segments are pointing to the first segment name above. You'll need to swap out all instances in your dashboard that refer to that segment with the second segment above if you want to do your test analysis and any further deep dives.
Idea: Either 1) Update the Target Activity segment name so that "(deactivated)" doesn't get appended to it or B) Merge the two segments so a new custom workspace project doesn't have to be rebuilt.