Use this thread to ask any questions related to the Guided Analytics Implementation course on Experience League. Experts are monitoring this thread to ensure your questions are answered.
Hi there, is the BRD-Excel-Sheet you mention in your video available?
Update: got it...
sparro - Sorry that you had to find it yourself, but I'm glad you got it. I will make sure that it is more readily available for the next person. Let me know if you have any other questions or suggestions. Thanks!
Are you impersonating Chris Farley's Matt Foley in your picture?
Who, me?
Hey Doug,Thank You for Amazing Courses.You made my journey easier
You are welcome! Thank you for your kind words.
Is there any way Adobe can use the same video player for these videos as it uses elsewhere in other tutorials? The other player has the ability to change speed. Being able to change the speed (1.2x, 0.8x, 1.5x) is really important for going through these.
Hi test72,
Thanks for this request. I have updated the player embed on the pages in this course. They should now all include the option to view the video at different speeds. I hope this helps.
Please also be aware that some of the videos in this course are a little dated (E.g. some of the Adobe Launch videos have changed a bit in the interface), but the concepts are still good. We will also soon (sometime this year) be coming out with a migration course to help customers move from AppMeasurement to a Web SDK implementation.
Thanks so much, Doug. Is it possible to use this player across all learning? As I completed one module (Create a Plan) and went to the next one (Begin your Implementation), I see it uses the player with no speed setting.
Here's an example:
After going through a few more, looks like most of the lessons use the new player except for maybe the one I linked earlier. Thanks again.
No worries. We do still have a number of videos that are not embedded with the speed option, so I will see what i can do to get that changed across the board.
Thanks so much, and thank you for these great videos. They're very clear and well-done!
Thanks for your kind words.
Hi Doug,
While taking the Begin your Implementation > Inspecting implementations with the Adobe Cloud Debugger the extension directed me to download the Adobe Experience Platform Debugger instead as the former was being sunset.
Do you have any tutorials for this extension instead? Will this lesson be updated at some point?
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