Thanks Shelly! I think I understand..I'm brand new to this so I apologize if I misunderstood. Yes, the designers do make changes based on feedback so there's sometimes multiple internal proof and multiple external proofs. They also log their time in the Workfront tasks. I guess they could just use their Workfront tasks to log time/check their deadlines and then go into their Proof dashboard to create an ad-hoc workflow instead of an automated one. My other concern is what happened when a project's completion date gets pushed back, changing all of the task dates? Does that mean the designers have to hop back into their proof and adjust their proof deadline? I can't really wrap my head around combining Workfront + Workfront Proof. I wish you could upload multiple design files into the project's document section and then combine them & create one proof/workflows from there. Maybe it will be available in the future. It seems like it would be easier to keep everything in 1 spot. Anyways, thanks again for your help! I really appreciate it! Martha Tolan Whole Foods Market, Inc