Hi Jillian, So Groups are whatever you define (typically most of us use Divisions as Groups). Company is, well company . Teams are whomever you decide to define as a Team. You can be on multiple Teams as well. You can use all three of them to control Access, notifications, etc. For your scenario, what we do is build a request queue project (that contains your menu name, custom form and who can submit to the queue, etc.). Then we create a "landing project" and we route the requests here (via the routing in the queue project). The landing project controls the access of who can see what. The one exception is the Requestor will be able to see their own request as this will be inherited from their submission and they need that access to edit the Form. However, you can always add Admin only sections to the form that they won't be able to see. That's basically it. That landing project allows you to control that access to whatever degree you like. Let me know if you need more information.